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Lightarian Attunements.png

Since 1997 the Lightarian programs have provided simple, effective and powerful celestial connections!


Many of us are here to learn and grow through the human experience as preparation for bringing more Light into this plane. We are here to refine and expand our talents and abilities to serve as spiritual teachers, energy workers, healers, communicators, and ambassadors…all to support the global-human ascension-descension process that is unfolding here.

Light is everything; everything is Light.

Check out Lightarian™ Institute website for full information

Please GET IN TOUCH  to discuss your needs further

Lightarian™ Attunements work 24/7 for you from the inside out.

What do we mean by inside out?!

Each human has an

  • Emotional body (earth plane),

  • Physical body (earth plane),

  • Mental body (earth plane), and

  • Spiritual body (all planes).

Attunements begin with the spiritual body before activating the transformation of the emotional, mental,

and physical parts of who we are.

Lightarian™ Attunements engage ALL PARTS
of who we are directly.

Why is this distinction important?

Most personal development tools influence our day-to-day life through the outside in...they either focus on how we think, manage ourselves physically through nutrition and movement, or we process emotions to gain emotional well-being.


Attunements profoundly impact our human lives through specifically designed energetic frequency infusions which calibrate our energetic programming on all levels (think spiritual body), including our aura, subtle bodies, and chakras.


An acceleration of healing and transformation propels us forward toward Self-fulfillment and internal happiness for no reason.

We want both outside in and inside out! 

Attunements work with all parts of who you are.

See Below for the attunements available to you

 Begin your Lightarian™ Journey
Lightarian Angel Links.png

Survival to Thriving​


The AngelLinks begin your journey with the Angels in such a profound and loving way.  A perfect energetic foundation for the Lightarian journey. 

Lightarian Rays.png

Programming Removed, Transformed, and Reorganised


Work with Ascension Master Maitreya, Ascended Masters El Moyra, Buddha, Sananda, St. Germain, and Source to ascend vibrationally, stepping closer to Higher Self Descension.

Lightarian Reiki.png

Cellular Ascension to 

Higher Self Descension


Lightarian Reiki is for Usui Reiki Masters to welcome Higher Vibrations of the Buddhic Spectrum of Reiki.  

Lightarian Ascension Bands.png

Cellular Ascension to

Higher Self Descension


For those on an accelerated spiritual journey but not a Reiki Master path, the Ascension Bands create a pathway to work profoundly with Ascended Master Buddha. 

I do not currently offer this

Do I receive Lightarian Reiki or the Ascension Bands?


Have you received Usui Reiki Master levels? 

  • Yes. Sign up for Lightarian Reiki.

  • No. Sign up for the Lightarian Ascension Bands.  

Do I need to receive both programs?  No. You only need to receive one or the other. 

Advance your Lightarian™ Journey
Lightarian Purification Rings.png

New Operating System Downloading


Align with the Seraphim as they up-level your energetic Self and prepare you for the advanced Lightarian Gateway program.

Lightarian Clearing.png

Intense laser-like Clearings to advance vibrationally


The Lightarian Clearings go step-by-step to intentionally transform on a cellular and energetic level.  

I do not currently offer this

Expand your Lightarian™ Journey
Lightarian Gateway.png
Lightarian Angel Links Extension.png
Lightarian Rays Extension.png

Expansion of New Operating System


Continue the work with the Seraphim and welcome the Master ET's. This program builds upon the AngelLinks, Purification Rings, and either Lightarian Reiki or the Ascension Bands.

Group Consciousness Foundation


If received after the Gateway program, these Archangels build upon the work of the AngelLinks to engage us dynamically with group consciousness.  If received directly after the AngelLinks, the angels continue working to lay the foundation which best supports us in our journey of self to Self.  

Group Consciousness Expansion


The Ascended Masters step us through dynamic, energetic playtime which expands our abilities to engage with our New World and experience a core feeling of happiness. The Ray Extensions can only be received after completing the AngelLinks, Rays (teacher level), Lightarian Reiki or Ascension Bands, Purification Rings, Gateway, and AngelLink Extensions. 

I do not currently offer this

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