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Latin Name: Eugenia Caryophyllata.
Part Of Plant Used: Leaves
Source: Indonesia
Extraction Method: Steam Distillation.


Clove Essential Oil is extracted usually by steam distillation from the leaves of the Eugenia caryophyllata tree, which is native to Indonesia and the Malacca islands. This is a potent oil with a warm, strong, spicy smell and needs to be used very diluted using a carrier oil and with much care in aromatherapy. 


Clove oil is said to help heal and soothe acne, bruises, cuts and burns, leg sores, and as a pain reliever for rheumatism and arthritis. This essential oil is believed to stimulate the mind and acts as an aphrodisiac.


If you're interested in the benefits of clove leaf essential oil, take action and add it to your collection of natural remedies today. Whether you need it for aromatherapy or topical application, you won't be disappointed. 

10 ml Clove Leaf Essential Oil

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