The Genus Artemisia is a group of over 200 species commonly referred to as wormwood, mugwort, or sagebrush. In smudging, Artemisia vulgaris is commonly used, usually known as Black Sage
It is also known as 'Dream Weed' for its associations as a dream & prophecy stimulant. The Latin name Artemisia vulgaris comes from its associations as the sacred herb of Artemis, the Greek goddess of the moon, and so is often linked with women, lust and fertility.
Used for smudging, Black Sage is traditionally been used in the ritual cleansing process of burning herbs known as smudging and is said to promote restful sleep and vivid dream
We sell the loose herbs or as bundled herb or smudge sticks.
How do I use my Smudge Stick?Firstly, light your smudge stick or loose leaves if you have chosen to break off fragments of your smudge stick into a container. Wait a moment, then blow out the flames. Try to fan the embers lightly to keep them smoldering (you may have to re-light your stick). You can then use the smoke to cleanse a person, property or spaces - you can use a shell or a heat resistant container to catch the ashes.
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