Witches Red (Relationship)Salt
Jar wiith wooden scoop and decorated with twine and charm
Contents: Sea Salt, Various Relationship, Love, Friendship and Protective herbs
Use for: Protecting Friendship, Relationships, Warding off jealous people and lower vibrational energies
Use to circle photographs of loved ones, when casting a circle, making pouches, charms and talismans, enhances the intention set…plus many other things
This is for External Use Only
Witches Red Salt - Jar
The below are some suggested ways you may want to use your salt, however, if you are drawn to use it in other ways (not to be taken internally) then please do trust your intuition
Set your intention with the salt before using for any situation
Sprinkle around the loved ones picture
(sweep away and replace monthly)
Sprinkle it around the perimeter of your house to guard the hearth and home.
Place in the four corners of your home to protect the love within it
(I'd recommend to use small craft bottles)
Add some to a self love charm to give it a boost.
Place a bottle under the bed to protect from nightmares caused by lower vibrations
Carry a small glass jar of red salt with a rose quartz to bring the love that is for your highest good towards you